Work based on schedule is generally much more effective than unplanned work. PomodoroApp uses the well-known Pomodoro Technique to help you create a more effective workflow and boost your productivity.
Basically, PomodoroApp is pretty much the same as any other program of its kind. It tracks the completion of your tasks, it alerts you when it's time to take a break or to go back to work and it allows you to customize the time intervals. Something a little less common about this application is the fact that it offers detailed (daily, weekly, monthly and even annual) reports about your activity.
I like that PomodoroApp lets you estimate how many sessions you will need to complete the tasks you are planning, as this could motivate you to work faster. Furthermore, the floating window (with the timer) and the ticking sound which you can enable, might also help you be more efficient.
As a general opinion, I think that PomodoroApp is a well-designed tool which could definitely help you increase your efficiency. The fact that you don't have to pay to use this program (it is a "freemium" tool) is another big plus.